confronting chaos: forging the Self w. gwendolyn kuhlmann

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welcome to the red star help radio

conversation sessions

welcome to the conversation sessions on red star help radio! palz, join us in circle around our fire fer this episode and tune into gwendolyn’s tale which takes us frum the head to the heart.

az gwendolyn meanderz thru her own Life and iz faced with changing careerz az a professional opera singer, becoming a mother, and moving (back) across the werld, she showz us how shez learned how to confront chaos and find her own Self amongst it all.

listen in to the righteous and thoughtful way that gwendolyn guides us thru her journey of showing her Self that shez capable of doing Hard Thingz. this heroine’s journey iz filled with: surrender; learning about, and being forged in the fires of, productive pain; and accepting wut iz.

palz, may u know, again and again and again and again, the strength of Who U R that remainz deep inside yer Self. and for wut ever firez u have been thru, and may go thru, may u be reminded of that solid core Who Iz U, who will allwayz, and in all wayz, Be.

i luv u much,

xxo ~k 💖💫

☾ᐧ of gwendolyn kuhlmann ᐧ☽

after working as a professional opera singer for ten years, gwendolyn took the passion for storytelling that she developed on stage to the online space. first working as a copywriter for spiritual healers and life coaches, she quickly noticed that in her effort to understand her clients well enough to write in their voice, she was having the unexpected effect of helping them find a level of clarity and purpose that they had not felt before.

her ability to weave together her clients’ new ideas into the existing fabric of their lives, their philosophy, and their business, led her to quickly move into working as a creative director, helping her clients create products and discover new possibilities that align with their truth and amplify their impact.

as The Idea Doula, gwendolyn uses the same line of thoughtful questioning and empowerment to help artists, creatives and entrepreneurs materialize their dreams, expand their impact, and birth a legacy. she has created Birthing Ideas: The Idea Journal to make these questions as accessible as possible so that we can all experience a world where your greatest ideas are our reality.

when she’s not busy weaving ideas into reality, she’s at home in atlanta, georgia, writing poetry, directing, podcasting, singing, swimming, and living that young family life with her two sons and her husband.

you can follow her on ig @gwendolynkuhlmann

be guided through gwendolyn’s Empowered Creation Process in Birthing IDEAS: The Idea Journal ~ find it in print on amazon, or as an e-journal.

want to take any one of these ideas to the next level? book a free 15 minute clarity call with gwendolyn.

“can i not make the chaos wrong: can i honor it for being heer and wut ever itz teaching me at the moment, and can i honor my Self for… maybe i think itz fucking hard at the moment… or, can i honor my Self for not resisting it at this moment…”

gwendolyn kuhlmann


heroine’s journeys


tears shed


choices to rise again

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