defining Spirit: the Beauty Way w. kim murphy

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welcome to the red star help radio

conversation sessions

welcome to the conversation sessions on red star help radio, in today’s episode we are joined by the brave warrioress who Iz kim murphy. pals, again, and again, and again, and again, i am floored with the raw vulnerability that our guests show up in during each session.

the saying “frum trauma to triumph” continues to ring on in my lobes after having spent time with kim in this episode, and too, in preparing the episode for yer beauty-full hearts. do not be fooled by the simplicity of this saying: kim shares with us the traumatic parts of her heroine’s journey, the wayz she navigates her Self thru-past-and-beyond the impacts of the trauma, and how she creates her own Beauty Way in Life.

pals, kim iz proof positive that healing iz possible, that we are allowed to live in our body with ease, grace, and above all, peace. let us gather together and marvel at the wayz that her Spirit moves, guides, and supports her towards Life.

come now, join us in our sharing circle, gather ‘round our fire az kim shows us all wut it meanz to be the living embodiment of the Beauty Way.

and may U re-member this specific magic for yer Self.

i luv u,
and in all wayz,

xxo ~k 🔥🧡

☾ᐧ of kim murphy ᐧ☽

kim has dedicated her whole adult life to helping serve her community as an advocate for embodiment and living whole heartedly. having a rebellious and wild Spirit led her to her unique path as a way for balancing an otherwise unruly heart. movement and breath have always been a part of her practice to better ground and connect with her body.

kim’s goal for her clients is to assist you in finding your inner voice, bridging the relationship between body, mind, and spirit; preparing you for your natural pace and empowering you to feel your best.

she will forever be a student, believing there is opportunity to stretch your mind and heart in all life experiences.

stay in touch with kim on instagram ~ @liloandpinta (art) ~ @kimmurphyrmt (path to embodiment) ~ @theheartofdyingdoula (end of life care) ~ or email

“it took a long time for me to recognize and be able to understand that i wuz having a human experience, which includes emotion, which we’re all having all the time, and being able to express the emotion iz a whole other scenario…”

Kim murphy


heroine’s journeys


tears shed


choices to rise again

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