on anger

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👇🏿 ain’t got no time for that? press play for the radical radio recording ✨

on anger…

it’s ok. your anger is ok.

i know exposing the elephant feels frightful, dangerous, and overwhelming. it’s also necessary.

let’s uncover and expose our elephants, shall we.

this exposure, this “shining the light”, makes the dark visible and the work begins. once we see something we cannot forget: it is forever noticed, visible, and out in the world. (you’re welcome! 🫠)

we’ve all got big ol’ dark spaces within each of us.
we’ve all got dark sides of our beings that we are ashamed of, that we would rather hide.

let us then dig a little deeper and bring these to the light: uncover the real truth on our collective hurt and pain to take a step towards it; turn the corner on your perspective of it; walk around the elephant and see it from another side.

you can do it.

it’s ok darling, your anger is ok.

i believe in your courage, and your ability to do Hard Things.

i love you,

xxo ~k 💛🙌💛

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